Choose your suitable nib

Before you develop a beautiful handwriting style, we hope you could learn about ORIGIN: Fountain Pen's nib.

We use pen nibs from a well known German brand, Schmidt, which are produced in Germany and guarantees a high-quality writing experience for you. In European standards, F and M are the most common nib sizes. F stands for Fine, it is suitable for those with small writing, whereas M stands for Medium, which suits people with average-size handwriting. Now that you know the differences between the two, feel free to choose the right combination on your own. Happy Writing!

鋼筆的外型固然重要,但在你能寫出一手好字前,我們希望大家可了解一下ORIGIN: Fountain Pen的鋼筆筆尖。

我們採用了原廠由德國製造的知名品牌施密特Schmidt,品質絕對有保證。F尖和M尖是鋼筆書寫的標準規格。在歐洲規格中,F尖代表Fine可用作書寫細字,而M尖則代表Medium可用作書寫中等粗幼的字體。你可按照自己的需求,於選購時自由選擇F尖或M尖。Happy writing!

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Paul Lam