Try our I AM here

With a swift movement gently pull up and loosen the silicone band, your cards will automatically slide out effortlessly. Visit the following locations now to try it out yourself!

Ginger Store

Shop 01-05, L10, Langham Place, Mong Kok

Shop 106, L1, Metroplaza, Kwai Fong

L1, Yata Department Store, Phase 3, New Town Plaza, Shatin

只需一個簡單俐落的動作,輕輕拉起並鬆開矽膠帶,你的卡片便會隨之彈出。 大家不妨到訪我們以下的銷售點,親自嘗試一下~

Ginger Store

旺角 朗豪坊 L10 01-05號舖

葵芳 新都會廣場 L1 106號舖

沙田 新城市3期 一田百貨 L1

#TEN #stationery #TENstationery #IAM #Aluminium #Cardholder #Professional #Sleek #Inspiration #Lifestyle #Lightweight #Hongkong #Gift #Idea #Design #GoodDesignAward #GermanDesignAward #HKSDA #香港 #文具 #設計 #HK #薑館

I AM.jpeg
Paul LamTEN, Stationery, I AM