GUITAR SCISSORS SekiSound by Nikken Cutlery


GUITAR SCISSORS SekiSound by Nikken Cutlery

Check out this adorable design that’s sure to brighten your day! 🎸 Nikken Cutlery has turned the Seki Sound scissors into a guitar-inspired look. Each pair comes with a special display stand, so when you set it on your desk, it totally resembles a mini guitar! 🎶

Shop the Seki Sound scissors at

讓人回心微笑的可愛創作🎸 Nikken Cutlery把Seki Sound剪刀搖身一變設計成結他一樣,每把更還配有專屬展示架,放在桌面上仿如一把迷你結他 🎶

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Paul Lam